Review Your Credit Report Before House-Hunting

Even as you begin thinking about buying a house, it's important to obtain a copy of your own credit report and review it carefully. Don't rely on scores alone. First, look for errors in balances and accounts, then contact those agencies to dispute any mistakes. It's not uncommon for old, paid-off debts to linger on credit reports. Second, look at the total amounts owed on everything in the report and create a financial plan to pay down the debt. Ideally you should aim to lower your credit card utilization to below 20%, but don't close all active accounts completely.  

My job as your real estate consultant is not only to help you find and buy the right home, but it is also to guide, lead and protect you before you start looking. Contact me for referrals to great mortgage advisors who can help you evaluate your credit score and advisors who can help you evaluate your credit score and advise you on the right loan. 


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