Failure Is Not the Same as Quitting

I consider myself to be fairly successful in life. I've worked hard, been smart, and pushed when the going got tough. I know that success isn't a straight road, and that along the way, there can be a lot of bumps and potholes. But I believe that pushing through is what leads us to success.

Sure, I know that sometimes there are detours. But we need to keep going towards our destination rather than turning back or quitting. I believe that failing at something is merely a set-back, and that failing is not the same as quitting! You might be familiar with the quote by Thomas Edison, Inventor of the light bulb, who said: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

I think some of the greatest gifts we can give our children are the capacity to endure failure, the strength to persevere, and the occasional tough love they need so that they aren't allowed to that they learn to recognize the capacity for resilience within themselves.

So as I look back on the first half of 2015, I'm satisfied that I've succeeded overall, but also failed a few times. I've learned things I didn't know before, and am a better person--and a better adviser to you.


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