Is Your House Priced Too High?

Every seller wants to get their house sold quickly , for as much money as they can, with as few headaches as possible. And chances are, you’re no different. But did you know one of the biggest things that could jeopardize your success is the asking price for your home? Pricing your house correctly is one of the most crucial steps in the selling process. So, how do you know if you’re missing the mark? Here are four signs your high asking price might be turning potential buyers away—and why leaning on your real estate agent is the best way to course correct. 1. You’re Not Getting Many Showings or Offers One of the most obvious signs your house may be overpriced is a lack of showings. If it's been on the market for several weeks and only a few buyers have come to see it—or worse, you haven’t gotten any offers —it could be a clear indication the price isn’t matching up with what buyers expect. Because buyers who have been lo...