
Showing posts with the label San Diego Real Estate Market

San Diego Market Update January & February 2024

    The only sure thing in life is change, and a New Year means changes to everything, including the real esate market. Interest rate flucuations, seasonal downturns and ongoing demand for real estate have mixed together to make the housing market in San Diego look pretty stable. Especially after the roller coaster of recent years.    Below you can see the housing reports for both this month and last month. The biggest difference being that more people are ready to sell now that the holidays have passed and they're fullfilling their new year resolitions to finally downsize, or upsize, or move for whatever good reason, so more houses are the market. But, please note, demand is still high as well.    What change are you gong to make this year?    Whether you're considering buying or selling, give me a call so we can talk about your realistic options in our unique housing market.    If you know anyone who might be interested in receiving this market update every month, please have

San Diego Market Update August 2023

  The height of summer has made for a steady housing market in San Diego.    Below I have this month's Market Report for San Diego County. So, whether you're considering buying or selling, give me a call so we can talk about your realistic options in our unique housing market.    If you know anyone who might be interested in receiving this market update every month, please have them sign up at this  link.   August - Ponder this  - “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” ― John Steinbeck,  Travels with Charley: In Search of America  We can’t appreciate the sun without knowing the clouds. Even though it’s hot the sun is shining and life is thriving in this summer heat.    I am always here for my clients and their friends and family.   Your trusted real estate agent, Hope Leitner   Hope Opens Doors

San Diego Real Estate Market Update March 2023

  Real estate market fluctuation has not been extreme in San Diego.  Our average home value was just below $1 million, then just above, and now just below again. The average days on the market is holding steady, which tells me the demand for homes is still good. And, the number of new listings on the market reflects normal fluctuations that have to do with the time of year we're in. People get the urge to move in January as they're doing their new year reflections and setting goals, that urge declines in the Spring a bit, then soars in the summer when kids are out of school and it's a good time to move.    Below I have this month's Market Report for San Diego County, and below that is last two month's reports, so you can make your own comparison. I believe that as Spring comes - we will see a normal warming of the market. So, whether you're considering buying or selling, give me a call so we can talk about your realistic options in our unique housing market.   

December 2022 San Diego Real Estate Market Update

The real estate market has held steady in San Diego despite all the doom and gloom reporting around rising interest rates. We are seeing a normal seasonal dip in average home value and inventory. This shortage is considered seasonal. While we don't anticipate 2023 to be the wild real estate ride that was 2021-2022 we also don't expect much of decline in home values. I'm including October's and November's reports at the bottom here, so you can see the changes as we moved into the winter real estate season.    If you know anyone who might be interested in receiving this market update every month, please have them sign up at this  link.   Ponder this - “ Winter is a season of recovery and preparation. ”- Paul Theroux -  Paul Theroux is best known as a slow travel writer, inspiring us to move through the world via train rather than by plane, or to stay for a while, rather than running to the next destination. We go on adventures to live. Sometimes it’s amazing and somet

San Diego Market Update October 2022

The real estate market has held steady, with slight declines due to the season and increasing interest rates. For those looking for a change, the market is actually quite normal right now - not a buyers' market - not a sellers' market - but a steady market.       I'm including August and September's reports at the bottom here, so you can see the changes.    If you know anyone who might be interested in receiving this market update every month, please have them sign up at this  link.   October - Ponder This - “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Henry David Thoreau -  We are all moving through life in our own good time. Some people jump on change to make it happen! Other people contemplate their options. Are you contemplating a change?   I am always here for my clients and their friends and famil

We Are the Berkshire Elite: Ranking #2 in Our Global Network

  It’s great to be a Forever Agent. Today in Louisville, Kentucky at the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices annual convention, it was announced that our California Properties brokerage ranks   #2 in our global network. Who are the Berkshire Elite? Brokerages that receive this prestigious title rank among the top tier of all Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices affiliates nationwide and abroad. We are honored to be continually recognized as an elite brokerage, an accomplishment that would not be possible without our agents, managers, support staff, and, most importantly, our clients. Spanning 12 countries and nearly 1,500 offices, the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network consists of more than 50,000 sales professionals. 800+ award-winning agents At convention, we are celebrating our own real estate agents who achieved an award for their efforts in 2021. These 800+ agents and teams rank among the top 18% of our global network. Soon, rankings for Legends and Top 25 Agents and Teams will be ann

2022 New Law for California Allows Homeowners to Partition Their Lots

  SB 9: Ministerial approval of urban lot splits and duplexes in a single-family zone SB9 makes it possible for homeowners in CA to divide their property into two lots . It allows two homes to be built on each of those lots, with the effect of legalizing fourplexes in areas that previously only allowed one home (SFR) - There is no requirement as to whether the two residential units on each lot be a “duplex,” or attached to each other, or free-standing. Requires the City to approve either or both: - A housing development of no more than two units (duplex) in a single-family zone. - Allows for a lot split to take place (a single-family lot becoming two lots). Prohibits the City from requiring more than one parking space per unit. The new law will mark a shift from current policies that allow only two large units — a stand-alone house and an accessory dwelling unit — on single-family lots, as well as an attached junior unit no larger than 500 square feet. Requirements: - The parcel is wit

February Market Update - San Diego County
