Full Hearted Focus

You might have heard me say that it’s far more productive to focus on one thing 100% of your time with 100% of your energy rather than spending 10% of your energy and 10% of your time focusing on ten different things.

That’s why I always ask the following questions. What is the one thing that I can get done in the next 30 days that will have the biggest bottom line improvement in my business over the next 12 months?

The question I ask is: What is the one thing I can get done? Try that question on. What one thing can you get done in the next 30 days that will have the biggest bottom line improvement in your business over the next 12 months? Take some time to really think about the answer because this is where you’ll pour all of your energy and time into. If I was sitting next to you right now, I would act like a magnifying glass. I would have a clean yellow pad in front of us and I would write down these words, what is the one thing you can get done in the next 30 days that will have the biggest impact on your business over the next twelve months?


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