
Showing posts with the label San Diego County Monthly Market Report

San Diego Market Update January & February 2024

    The only sure thing in life is change, and a New Year means changes to everything, including the real esate market. Interest rate flucuations, seasonal downturns and ongoing demand for real estate have mixed together to make the housing market in San Diego look pretty stable. Especially after the roller coaster of recent years.    Below you can see the housing reports for both this month and last month. The biggest difference being that more people are ready to sell now that the holidays have passed and they're fullfilling their new year resolitions to finally downsize, or upsize, or move for whatever good reason, so more houses are the market. But, please note, demand is still high as well.    What change are you gong to make this year?    Whether you're considering buying or selling, give me a call so we can talk about your realistic options in our unique housing market.    If you know anyone who might be interested in receiving this market update every month, please have